Sonja and I are really chuffed to announce a new offering:Thrive! through Effective Adaptation.
Since about October last year it has become clear that our old ways of managing people and business have been found wanting amidst the economic meltdown. We have watched eagerly as to how the business world is responding. One of the responses that concerns us is the “lean” approach that believes our businesses will survive if we just manage to cut costs effectively and become leaner organisations.
We believe that, in light of the enormity of the current crisis, this approach will not last and will do nothing in building organisations that are resilient and adaptive.
The key for managers is going to be how they can turn this uncertainty and complexity into as asset. The choice is clear: do you just aim at surviving, or do you do something to thrive?
Effective Adaptation is a suite of philosophies, methodologies and techniquesthat will assist managers to get to grips with the requirements of the new management paradigm. It will unlock the potential inherent in groups, organisations and markets and enable leaders to make the most of naturalistic management techniques.
Thrive! is offered as:
- a keynote presentation
- an experiental educational programme for leadership teams
- as a consuting engagement
Visit our Thrive! page to learn more …
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