Monthly Archives: May 2008

Exit Interview Stats: Asking the right question

If I were a senior executive who had to look at figures and statistics on why people are leaving my company, I would pull my hair out (maybe this is why I'm not a senior executive ... I still have too much hair). Not because people are perhaps leaving in their droves, but because the figures are actually so meaningless. What does it really mean if the staff turnover rate is 15%? Then, you get the superficial reasons stuck to [...]

The Wisdom and Skills Challenge – a conference

We'll be presenting on Wisdom Continuity at the upcoming Refirement Conference on 11th June. Along with Lynda from the Refirement Network, we've been developing a narrative-based approach at capturing and transferring that special, unique Wisdom that Baby Boomers have. This conference is a must if you experiencing a loss of information and wisdom as people exit your company. DATE: 11th June PLACE: Bryanston Country Club TIME: 08h30 to 12h00 PRICE: R250 per person The brochure is also attached below. Attachment Size [...]

The importance of context

In reading a book by Eugene Peterson, I came across this paragraph: "Apart from the before the now has little meaning. The now is only a thin slice of who I am; isolated from the rich deposits of before, it cannot be understood. ... The before is the root system of the visible now" While this is most certainly true for individuals, we also know this to be true for organisations. It once again re-iterates the importance of context when dealing with any kind of change in large organisations. Often times, [...]

Trusted Money Brokers

In a Financial Times article on the 15th of April, an interesting, albeit illegal, trust network was explained. In short, what people in Iran have to do to move large sums of money in and out of the country in the face of an increasing economic clamp down from the US, is to make use of a centuries-old method known as havalah. In a Financial Times article on the 15th of April, an interesting, albeit illegal, trust network was explained. In short, what people in [...]
