Monthly Archives: May 2010

The Narrative Lab (@WContinuity) on The Pain of Knowledge Transfer (#WisCont)

Who? This is a call to all leaders, employees and practitioners to engage and collaborate with us on the following subject: How do you facilitate knowledge transfer between older experienced employees who are about to retire and younger inexperienced employees in an organisation? Why? Organisations are facing the pain of losing their experts to retirement, in some cases without having sufficiently given these experts the mechanism to share their knowledge, expertise and wisdom. Discussion points include: What impact have you [...]

The long silence

You're probably wondering why The Narrative Lab has been so quiet over the last few months?  Although there's no real excuse for our silence, I thought I'd give you an update on what has been keeping us so busy. Firstly, Aiden became a proud first-time dad of a beautiful baby boy called Daniel James a little over a month ago.  For those of you with children, you'd understand that this life-changing event can keep one quite busy! Natasha Govender joined [...]

By |May 13th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cognitive Edge Accreditation 2010

The Narrative Lab will be hosting, with Cognitive Edge, the annual Cognitive Edge Accreditation Course in Midrand from 11th to 13th May 2010. Steve Bealing, CEO of Cognitive Edge will be here facilitating the course along with Sonja and Aiden. If you want to discover practical and pragmatic ways to manage under conditions of uncertainty, understand the power of business narrative and discover new ways to use human networks, then this course will provide you with the introductory theory and associated open [...]

By |May 13th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments