Monthly Archives: February 2012


Explaining away the complexity

Engaging with a complex phenomenon is quite challenging experience. It is even more challenging for leaders and managers who are required to do something about these problems. Markets, shareholders and employees look to leaders for guidance and sound decision-making in navigating complexity. It is because of this that leaders need to keep their wits about them. Being aware of the emotional and psychological responses one has to a complex problem is a critical leadership capability. One of the common responses [...]

By |February 27th, 2012|Categories: Complexity, Narrative|Tags: |0 Comments

Oscar Pistorius: a narrative plot analysis

The story of Oscar Pretorius, the star paralympian, has dominated the news headlines in South and the world since Thursday morning. I got off a plane reading a stream of tweet that he had murdered his girlfriend, mistaking her for an intruder in her house. Why has this story dominated the new headlines and social conversation space? I believe looking at the story through a narrative lens (no pun intended) explains why this story grips us. Firstly, an understanding of [...]
