Towards the end of 2008 we partnered with Deloitte Consulting on a research project aimed at the field of mine safety. We are painfully aware of how mine safety needs to improve, especially within the South African deep level mining context. Nicolaas Herholdt approached us to partner with him in developing a Point of View that uncovers new and important insights into mine safety that might assist in addressing the way in which safety statistics have plateaued.

The reality is that despite all the focus and attention the media and companies are giving to mine safety, deaths still occur – the improvements have stagnated – and it is clear that we are missing out on something.

We used our narrative research approach and applied the Cynefin Sense-Making Framework to make sense of the results. In general, the research identifies a clear gap between the current initiatives in place and the nature of the problems we are facing.

Feel free to download the Point of View below or by clicking here. Read, it, discuss it, share it and then contact us for more information.

Kudos to Rob Hooper for some awesome depictions of stories gathered in the process!