There is a growing awareness of how important conversations are within our organisations. Dialogue has always been key, but the new economy requires a new way of facilitating business conversations.
When it comes to facing the adaptive challenges in our organisation, conversation is a very useful tool for leadership to engage with staff on addressing problems.

A Conversation Journey is an intentional, facilitated approach that helps an organisation understand their existing conversation culture and assists in creating a culture that supports the organisations strategic objectives.

“Conversations are the way workers discover what they know, share it with their colleagues, and in the process create new knowledge for the organisation. 
In the new economy, conversations are the most important form of work … so much so that the conversation is the organisation.”
Alan Webber –  Harvard Business Review


There are typically 4 main types of conversation that occur in organisations.  When one type (usually Action conversations) dominates the conversation landscape to the detriment of the other types of conversation it creates an unhealthy culture in the organisation.


Types of Conversation
Conversation reality

TNL partners with and accompanies organisations on a journey to discover how to harness the  conversation threads that are already occurring and stimulate those that need to occur.

Main objectives include:

  • Providing strategic direction on how to harness the power of conversations
  • Assessing existing conversation cultures
  • Articulating a preferred conversation culture
  • Formulating a conversation strategy to move towards the desired culture
  • Equipping & training of conversation agents to seed and nurture strategic conversations
  • Using narrative to augment the conversations
  • Monitor how the conversations evolve

To learn more about this offering please contact us on our Contact page, or download the brochure below.


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