Dave Snowden

Home/Tag: Dave Snowden

KM defined

KM (or Knowledge Management) is quite a hot topic nowadays.  There seem to be two factions, 1 believes that KM in it's existing form is a dying discipine, the other refuses to believe that.  These discussions get quite emotional, which I guess is a good thing as it shows the passion for the subject on both sides of the spectrum. Personally I believe that most decision makers have developed a level of cynicism toward traditional KM, mostly I believe because [...]

Dave Snowden @ the CSIR on 19 August

Dave Snowden is in the country early in August and will be giving a public talk for the Pretoria chapter of the KM Practitioner Forum at the CSIR on the 19th.  I've attached the invite for your convenience The topic is "How to make KM strategic to your organisation".  Dave's talks are always challenging and entertaining. Seats are limited and registrations are coming in quickly, so make sure you register soon to ensure your spot.  I hope to see you there! Attachment [...]

By |July 29th, 2009|Categories: Complexity|Tags: , , |0 Comments

An ecology of present possibilities

This post is largely inspired by a comprehensive blog entry by Dave Snowden on a new approach to Scenario Planning.   Much of what he says is key to the thinking behind our new Thrive! product. Seneca said: "The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty" In [...]

Once breakfast is over

What do you get when you pull together a former meteorologist, anenigmatic maven and a former narrative therapist? Answer:The Narrative Lab and pretty informative breakfast conversation oncomplexity in the business landscape. In an amazingly short amount of time we managed to showcase our keynote on complexity (The New Simplicity), listen to a customised podcast from Prof. Dave Snowden on the Cynefin framework, hear how our methods are applied in practice and to talk briefly about the SenseMaker software we use when working with mass narrative capture. Thanks to all our friends, partners, potential [...]

Our logo and design elements

In a recent blog entry, Dave Snowden commented positively about the design elements that make up our corporate identity. Coming from him this is a great complement, as the interpretation of abstract ideas such as "probe, sense, respond" into visually compelling graphic elements was a challenge! I'd like to express appreciation to our designer, Angela Lang for a job well done! Maybe I should elaborate a bit on why we selected probe: sense: respond as a tagline. We see our core focus area as [...]

Event: Dave Snowden at GIBS

n conjunction with the Gordon Institute of Business Science, The Narrative Lab will be hosting Dave Snowden at a GIBS Forum next week. Dave will be talking about a leaders framework for decision making - a topic he wrote about in his November 2007 HBR cover article. Date: Tuesday, 4 March 2008 Time: 17:30 for 18:00. Cocktails to follow from 19:30. Venue: GIBS Auditorium, 25 Fricker Road, Illovo Fee: R160 (Forum Members) R225 (Non Forum Members) Please click here to register. Seating is limited. [...]

By |February 26th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Enabling leaders to make effective decisions

Dave Snowden, founder of Cognitive Edgeco-authored (with Mary Boone) the front pagearticle of the latest edition of the Harvard Business Review.  For those of us who've been involved in Dave's complexity and narrative work over the years, this is a key milestone - indicative of how our way of thinking is starting to make in-roads into mainstream thinking.   To quote Tom Stewart (HBR Editor), "Most leaders are told that it is important to be (or appear to be) decisive. Fair enough — but how is one [...]
