narrative lab

Home/Tag: narrative lab

Stories at play in our world – the context of our work

We’ve taken a standpoint on the state of our world. It is a world where problem-saturated narratives dominate and where healthy, perspective opening and possibility-generating alternative narratives are not given their place. This is an ethical standpoint. Shifting this power balance is ultimately what re:humanisation is about. We’re disturbed by how individuals are disconnected from their ‘selves’ and are stuck in living out problem-saturated narratives. We want to help people re:author their stories. We’re saddened by the state of teams [...]

Press release: SIMONSAYS wins TNL PR campaigns

SIMONSAYS communications signs research and organisational development consultancy Friday, 02 November, 2012 Niche organisational development and research consultancy, The Narrative Lab (TNL), has appointed SIMONSAYS communications to handle its ongoing public relations requirements. Based in Johannesburg, TNL offers tailor made solutions that equip leaders with the tools to understand the dynamics and problems experienced by their organisations, while also arming management with techniques to educate, motivate and shift mindsets so that sustainable change can take place. Using business narrative (or [...]

Narrative at 29th OD World Congress

We've been accepted to present, alongside some sharp thinkers, our approach to Narrative Change Management at the 29th Organisational DevelopmentWorld Congress. The Congress will take place on 20th and 21st July 2009 in Pretoria (info here). In our presentation, we'll profile how a narrative approach to change management can be applied within change programmes to improve engagement, resilience and awareness. In particular, we'll be looking at a case study of how we developed a Change Story for the Turnaround Strategy within theDepartment of Home Affairs. Hope to see you there.

Our mission: water and safety

Most traditional companies are quite intentional about choosing their mission, often settling on a well-crafted statement that sets market domination and excellence as their target. Sonja and I have been less intentional, and have rather let our mission emerge over the last 12 months - emergence is a key factor in managing complexity after all :) What is our mission then? It's not market domination, nor is it service excellence ... while those are important factors of our business. Rather, [...]

Self-indulgent descriptions

Here are some descriptions we often use when introducing ourselves and what The Narrative Lab does: Making sure you ask the right questions about your problem Why solve a problem the very same way it was created The common ground between complex problems and simple solutions Different approach, and yet strangely familiar Helping you gather the stories you really need to know about Harnessing the power of story-telling and story-gathering

We’re 1

As of this month, we are a whopping 1 year old! It was about this time last year that myself, Sonja and Raymond sat down together, read an email from a potential client, looked at each other and asked, "So, should we put a proposal together for him?" Now, a year later, how have things developed or changed? Well, for starters, I'm pretty glad we didn't go with our original name for this company. Don't ask me why, but we [...]

Once breakfast is over

What do you get when you pull together a former meteorologist, anenigmatic maven and a former narrative therapist? Answer:The Narrative Lab and pretty informative breakfast conversation oncomplexity in the business landscape. In an amazingly short amount of time we managed to showcase our keynote on complexity (The New Simplicity), listen to a customised podcast from Prof. Dave Snowden on the Cynefin framework, hear how our methods are applied in practice and to talk briefly about the SenseMaker software we use when working with mass narrative capture. Thanks to all our friends, partners, potential [...]
