
Home/Tag: Management

Complex projects

I am not a good project manager.  There, I said it!  Even 5 years in IBM could not drill the organised thought processes required to manage a big project into me.  I'm just not wired for that.  That being said however, I don't believe that all projects (I won't go so far to say no projects) lend themselves to being managed with structured, deterministic so-called "Waterfall" methodologies that are so popular in most IT companies.  Agile methodologies like SCRUM are [...]

The KM contradiction

I've been pondering the concept of Knowledge Management (KM).  Experts in the field such as Dave Snowden have long been debating whether or not KM has outlived it's purpose.  Many people wonder if it ever had a real value proposition, as there are many large organisations who spent millions on KM, but received very little of the value they anticipated.  In part this is due to the unfortunate confusion of Knowledge Management with Information Management as well as the over-focus on IT [...]
