

Navigating Stuckness – A manifest by Jonathan Harris

I've respected Jonathan Harris' work ever since he blew my mind with the web-art application We Feel Fine that trawls the internet for human emotion and visualises those emotions in amazing ways. He is a prolific artist and storyteller, of sorts. Unbeknownst to me, he has recently fallen off the radar somewhat and has just published a manifesto on stuckness, chronicling his life story and experience of engaging with creativity and a search for purpose. It is a great read (click here). What fascinates [...]

The danger of a single story

This TEDGlobal video is one of the most poignant talks I've ever viewed. It is by Chimamanda Adichie, an African novelist, who shares some experiences of how encountering a single story of a person, people or country framed the way she viewed them. Her point is that being exposed to a single story is very dangerous, and that we've got to open ourselves up to "balanced stories" in order to really get a grasp on the world around us. If you want to [...]

By |October 20th, 2009|Categories: Narrative, Story|0 Comments