Monthly Archives: June 2011


Nexus for Africa – Whole System Change

We're pretty interested in all things systems and change related. And so, when we came across the Nexus for Africa movement, we were introduced to the idea of "whole system change". Nexus for Africa is a two conference (12th to 14th September) will be a unique experience where powerful approaches to collaborative change, selected from a repertoire of more than 60 methodologies broadly referred to as large-group methods/ interventions, whole-system change, or large-scale change, will be used to illustrate how organisations and [...]

By |June 13th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reclaiming the power of personal narrative [TED Video]

Have you noticed how the role of narrative is getting more airplay nowadays? I've been keenly aware of the growing focus on the power of narrative in business and society. Here's another one of these messages, by Robert Tercek, with some very useful pointers on WHY narrative is important today, and how stories structure meaning in random experience. Hat tip to Cynthia Kurtz for this video.

By |June 7th, 2011|Categories: Narrative|0 Comments