Monthly Archives: July 2008


No, no, no.

Something has been bothering me. I have been listening for many years to politicians and public affairs representatives in the media. I have noticed an interesting trend in the way that they respond to questions. It seems to me that there must be a special course for these individuals, with a half-day component called Nay Saying. The trend I notice is this . . . when asked a direct question, either for verfification, clarification or to elicit a definitive answer, [...]

By |July 15th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

With foresight, who needs hindsight?

I came across a billboard with this statement last week.  It's part of a marketing campaign for one of the short term insurers. When I read it, my first thought was that this is probably one of the silliest statements I've seen in a while, but after thinking about it, I realised that someone who doesn't look at life through a complexity lense may think that it's rather clever. So why do I have a problem with it?  Well, first [...]

By |July 14th, 2008|Categories: Systems|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Wherefore art we?

It is a good question, and it comes with an assumption: that people actually read this blog, and might miss our once semi-regular writing. Anyway, we've been hit by the busy-bug and sadly, regular writing on current affairs applications of narrative and complexity has taken the back seat. Certainly, the intent is there to pick up the writing again ...

By |July 9th, 2008|Categories: Art|Tags: , |0 Comments