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Case studies and fables

After two weeks of spending all my time on preparing a BIG tender sumbission, I came across a link to this HBR article on Dave Snowden's blog this morning. We believe that businesses have become addicted to prescription - mindlessly copying the latest best practice or case study. Very seldom do we come across leaders who are trailblazers, preferring to be the firs ones to venture into a new area.  Usually we're asked the question: So, where has this been done before?  Everyone seems [...]

By |April 14th, 2009|Categories: Complexity|Tags: , |0 Comments

Framing problems

Leon from Occam's Donkey alerted me to an article that was published in a recentScientific American on the impact that the language leaders use when referring to terrorism has on the perception of the general population.   For example, a metaphor of "law enforcement" triggers very different responses than a "war" metaphor. The article starts with the sentence "How we characterise an issue affects how we think about it".  This is perfectly illustrated by typical responses to occupational safety incidents.  Because people tend to [...]

With foresight, who needs hindsight?

I came across a billboard with this statement last week.  It's part of a marketing campaign for one of the short term insurers. When I read it, my first thought was that this is probably one of the silliest statements I've seen in a while, but after thinking about it, I realised that someone who doesn't look at life through a complexity lense may think that it's rather clever. So why do I have a problem with it?  Well, first [...]

By |July 14th, 2008|Categories: Systems|Tags: , , |0 Comments