Yearly Archives: 2010


Dan Pink on Candle Problems and Incentives

One of the problems we most often encounter in businesses is the unintended consequences caused by incentives and performance measures. This TED talk by Dan Pink makes a compelling case against using extrinsic motivators as incentives. Dan is an entertaining speaker who really knows how to use narrative to get his point across. Enjoy!

By |December 11th, 2010|Categories: Religion|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Join us for our first Cape-Town based Cognitive Edge accreditation training (March 2011)

We are pleased to announce that TNL in partnership with the University of Stellenbosch Business School will be hosting Steve Bealing, CEO of Cognitive Edge from 8-10 March 2011 for the first ever Cognitive Edge accreditation training course to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. Detailed brochures are available here: - 2 day Cognitive Edge accreditation course - 1 day Sensemaker course   Bookings made before the end of 2010 will receive 10% discount off the full course rates, so make sure you book your [...]

On leadership

One of the projects we're currently working on aims to measure the impact of school leadership development programmes.  The concept of principalship is quite interesting.  Many people think that schools have much to learn from business, especially in the realm of leadership.  I have some reservations about comparing school principals to CEO's, as I think there's a major difference in motivation between these two types of leaders.  I can see however, that the management skills required are similar. At the [...]

Traffic regulation: self-organisation vs control

Navigating the traffic here in SA can be quite a complex affair (as I'm sure is true in most other countries).  Traffic authorities make extensive use of traffic lights and other control mechanisms to regulate traffic, especially in urban areas.  I came across this interesing video the other day, about how allowing for self-regulation on busy roads often leads to less congestion and paradoxically, less road accidents.  I'm not sure if this will work in South Africa, but it certainly [...]

Partnership with University of Stellenbosch

The Narrative Lab and Cogntive Edge are pleased to announce their partnership with the University of Stellenbosch Business School to pursue joint research programmes and delivery of courses in South Africa. Recently Cognitive Edge (CE), The Narrative Lab (TNL) and the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) established a partnership with two purposes: *  Provision of SenseMaker® and support services for research purposes on selected programmes at USB *  Joint conduct of a Cognitive Edge accreditation workshop at the University [...]

By |October 1st, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Partnership with University of Stellenbosch

The Narrative Lab and Cogntive Edge are pleased to announce their partnership with the University of Stellenbosch Business School to pursue joint research programmes and delivery of courses in South Africa. Recently Cognitive Edge (CE), The Narrative Lab (TNL) and the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) established a partnership with two purposes: *  Provision of SenseMaker® and support services for research purposes on selected programmes at USB *  Joint conduct of a Cognitive Edge accreditation workshop at the University [...]

By |October 1st, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The luxury of addressing complexity

As I've been going through my preparations for presenting the narrative component of the Cognitive Edge accreditation course with the Singapore Civil Service Agency, the difference between developing and developed nation governments has me wondering about who has the luxury to effectively address complex problems? Typically a developing nation has to deal with all the issues associated with development i.e. service delivery, effeciency and governance AS WELL AS the unpredictable complex challenges that surface, such as the global economic meltdown [...]

By |September 14th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Rhetoric of the “challenge”

In South Africa it is taboo to refer to "problems". This is especially true if you are a representative of government.  "No, no, no Mr Interviewer ... I would not say it is a problem. Rather we are faced with a challenge." People fear that they are in some way resigning themselves to the "un-solvability" of the problem if they utter the very word. Behind this fear lies a a fatalistic way of languaging the issue at hand. Instead, the rhetoric [...]

By |August 20th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Announcement: The Narrative Lab & World’s View Academy TweetChat on “#Leadership & Complexity”

The Narrative Lab in collaboration with World’s View Academy will be hosting a live TweetChat on an article written by Aiden Choles, founder of The Narrative Lab, on Overcoming Perplexity - Frames of Mind Required for Engaging with Complexity. In the lead up to Dave Snowden's visit to South Africa in October, the good folk at World's View Academy asked Aiden Choles to write about this topic and to present it at their Organisation Development Cafe on 21st August. Who should be joining in the discussion?
